Stereograms Gallery

You can download the various patterns of stereograms, created by Dr. Massimiliano Stolfa are free use. Performing a convergence of the eyes, the images will appear in relief, otherwise, in divergence, will appear as a cutout in the depression.

Useful exercise to train the convergence and divergence in cases of deficiency of vergenze; or fun if you do not have problems.

It is best to first download the image and play it at normal size.

Then to converge or diverge the eyes trying to merge the two inverted triangles that blacks are at the top (it will become three) and focus the image.

#1: Find the boat sailing in the hidden stereogram.

#2: Find the horse hidden in the stereogram.

#3: Find the dinosaur hidden in the stereogram.        #4: Find the fishbone.


#5: Find the bike hidden in the stereogram. (Will be seen in relief if you use your eyes in divergence)

#6: Find the hidden heart in the stereogram.

#7: Find the elephant hidden in the stereogram.

#8: Find the oval hidden in the stereogram. What is it like?

#9: Finding the big fish hidden in the stereogram.

#10: Find the words hidden in the stereogram. What does it say?