S.C.S. Method

Never web-sail without proper eye exercises

S.C.S. Method di Visual-behavioral rehabilitation and prevention

Asthenopia - Amblyopia - Myopia - Micro-strabismus - Learning Difficulties - Pre-Post Prk / Lasik

"The fatigue can often generate myopia and learning difficulties".

Authors :


The S.C.S. method was created and tested by Doctors and Masters Massimiliano Stolfa in optometry, Pierluigi Camiciottoli and Giuliano Sarti, who for years work in favor of the visuo-behavioral rehabilitation and not mere Compensation of ametropia. The visual-behavioral rehabilitation plays an important social value as to prevent: 1) the occurrence of ametropia that once you have settled create difficulties psycho-visual-behavioral, 2) the delay in learning or worse, dropping out of school. The visuo-behavioral rehabilitation, is also half effectively act to combat the problems of binocular vision in such a way to integrate visual skills to the area where the person lives. The vision must always be related to the behavior of the individual and not as an activity can be extracted independent and unrelated with the whole body and habits of behavior individual. When the visual apparatus as seen in its entirety (eye-brain) begins to have difficulties, behavior changes for the individual strain less of the visual apparatus. These changes are often compromised and help the body where it meets the most difficult, sacrificing other skills where the problems are minor. During our clinical practice, we realized, always more often, that several subjects had onset of myopia in adolescence cases with myopic family rather scarce, sometimes nonexistent. Such subjects increased their short-sightedness every 6-12 months, especially those which utilized asseganata their correction at all distances, for both the near or far away that for study. Another consideration was made by observing subjects who had symptoms astenopeici and advised by others not to use any aid because their "view" was considered good. These subjects, after a period of 4-6 months were beginning to develop Myopia detectable instrumentally and not resolved to the far more 10/10 without correction. Myopia began his visual input in the apparatus of the individual. If corrected, starting to behave like those seen previously, increasing the required correction for nearsightedness every 6-12 months. Both groups were identified due to their inter-relationship between symptoms, signs and behavior. Behavior Wrong view, triggers more easily exposed to visual phenomena of adaptation. These misbehavior refer to the reading distance is too close, the prolonged study especially if associated to a distance of read / write reduced, excessive use of video-game (especially laptops), the type of work / study, the intensity of the light used, to the working plane (desk, bed, floor, etc..), to time spent studying / working, working space, the distance used to watch television, time spent watching television, especially for the hobbies near or video terminal, etc.. As you can see, the importance of the environment and then the behavior that it is conditional expression is crucial in Assessment of vision problems. An analysis of all aspects of display is born the idea of gathering in a very precise method (SCS Method ® © ™) principles exercises already exist, even if most of the time modified especially as the method enforcement for specific training needs and other new specially created. All This was to avoid the onset of problems visuo-behavioral and in case they become detected late, to correct or prevent deterioration of entities that increase the quality of life of affected individuals. This method has proved very satisfactory for this purpose and the results will confirm that they will be exposed value. In addition, the complete non ivasività and ease of implementation of many exercises confirm the safety and at the same time the value of simple things.


The S.C.S. method is a valuable system for monitoring and actively tackle problems such as functional visual asthenopia, myopia, especially if beginning, the difficloltà learning (DLS - Learning Difficulty Syndrome), the mbliopia, micro-strabismus and to improve the visual quality of Prk or operated in the Lasik. Stressors on the eyes, create different reactions from organism. Some are beginning to have learning disabilities (DLS) and in cases more serious study leave or change jobs. Others are making good use especially one of the two eyes, cracking in this way the efficiency with binocular visual onset of amblyopia, micro-strabismus, etc.. Still others develop myopia (this mechanism will tend to create a clear vision to near; area of stress, even if the individual will have to give clear vision for distance: zone sacrificed). Myopia implies, Therefore, as a kind of self-defense in the integration of stress continue to work on or near the study satisfactorily. The symptomatology accompanies the onset of one of these problems is usually the asthenopia (pain eyes, headaches, burning eyes and / or eyelids, blurring at times the image to close, excessive tearing, photophobia, etc..). These symptoms may, however, occur even without one of the problems listed above. In such a case may be a prelude to one of them and is the alarm that the visual system begins to suffer from some stressors. Accurate Optometric will visit in highlighted the problem and help you reach the best solution (almost never alone with glasses or LAC). Sometimes it will be necessary, after a period of training, use goggles also convenient for young people (some professionals believe that this is not necessary as are prescribed glasses for near vision to people usually over 40-45 years of age for the advent of presbyopia. But they do not consider the mechanisms visuo-behavioral inducing visual system to defend against stressors). In fact, the agents involved much more stressful on a young individual who studies, works and applies to an individual's certainly bigger than 40 or 45 years of age. Once you've gathered the lost visual skills, the subject will be instructed to order to maintain them, and not riperderle again under the action of other stressors. This method also can improve visual skills of athletes (especially if at a competitive level), drivers of motor vehicles (especially heavy or very fast) and anyone who wants to improve their visual skills even if he can solving 10/10 natural. In fact, 90% of human actions are guided by the system vision. The more accurate and effective is this system, the more valid will the action that the system will be called to check.


The visual training comprises a series of techniques "visual learning" aimed at improving school performance, behavioral, work, sports and treatment of visual stress that those most commonly recur in our society. The basic concepts of visual training are: 1. see you a process of learning and education. The vision, in fact, is a process brain for interpretation of the images that the eyes "see." then the vision has a much higher vision. 2. The training includes a visual series of techniques that allow you to use a more comprehensive and functional vision. 3. The active participation of the subject is indispensable to the extent that learning is an active and highly personal. You can visual training, even by athletes at various levels of racing. Such training or Training for visual rehabilitation applied to sport is a discipline Optometry which tends to evaluate, correct, educate and protect the visual capabilities of athletes to achieve their goals they have set in their practice / career sports. Athletes who come to the training can be of any age and be embedded in any sport. The training tends to be applied to sport improve athletic skills such as visual-general coordination, coordination specific (eye-hand, eye-foot, etc..), alertness, accuracy in responses athletic, dynamic balance, perception device, concentration, perception of body position, etc.. Anyone can run a sports training, Even those who practice sports as hobby or amateur, but still want to get sports scores relatively well.


1. You can increase the natural visual acuity (without the aid of glasses or lenses in contact).

2. You can bring the visual acuity to 10/10 using glasses or lenses Contact with power lower than those used previously (for those who can not achieve satisfactory visual acuity due to the natural power of the initial their short-sightedness).

3. Can be eliminated or at least reduce the headache.

4. It can be eliminate or reduce the redness of the eyes during or after work to close or study.

5. One can obtain greater satisfaction for both near vision and for distance vision.

6. It can increase productivity and school learning with more satisfactory results than previously.

7. It can eliminate or reduce the amblyopia (Lazy eye) aids functional accessories to the SCS method.

8. Can be eliminate or reduce the problems of learning in general and the first forms of dyslexia diseidetica. For more severe forms or for dyslexia disfonetica, the treatment is possible, but must be coupled with other technical specifications in Optometry for this purpose.

9. It may, of course, prevent future problems visuo-behavioral.

10. It improve the visual conditions, species of binocular vision, in post Prk and Lasik surgery.

11. It reduces or cancels the micro-strabismus.

By This shows that this method was born and lives on the need to prevent any type of behavior problem before it leads to a vision problem. The culture of Prevention is not deeply rooted in our country and therefore is much more difficult to understand the need to refer students to visit the early years of the Optometric elementary and not wait until we discover the problem altogether, rather than correct a problem already manifest. But, even when it occurs for the first time, especially the first time, you should consult an Optometrist whose qualifications study is specific for these problems and not only for the compensation of a lens problem now manifest. This is where the strength of the Method S.C.S., do not give time to stress to compromise the integrity of the visual system and, if this will succeed, try to immediately remove the cause of the problem of vision without support him with lenses are not completely appropriate, or effective only for a certain distance.


Here are the results already obtained by the method and differentiate them into two blocks. The first is devoted to two formal investigations carried out in Latvia (Latvia) during the periods February 15, 1993 - May 15, 1993 and December 6, 1993 - April 30, 1994. The second is devoted to cases treated in Italy in our studies.



The results were very satisfactory both from the subjective point of view (this they thought and what the students have drawn 5 cards each) from objective. The subjective results showed the disappearance of headaches, an increase school performance, increased visual comfort, the reduction of myopia, the increase in visual acuity natural, the diminuzone of errors rtografia, etc.. by This shows that the method S.C.S. is effective to give a better visual comfort to all working distances. The school performance increases and headaches decreases. The average resolution of the problems nearly 30%. The only problems encountered were not related to continuity in the conduct of the exercises (36% is revealed rather uneven) and the complete abandonment of the training (35% of students has left the training and has not presented an objective final examination for several problems such as change of residence, then the school with a consequent loss of incentive by the school itself).

Skills Tested Pre Training Post Training Difference
General Visual Comfort 43 % 100 % +57 %
Scholastic Achievement 35 % 57 % +22 %
Write / Draw Well 57 % 68 % +11 %
Do not Misspellings 57 % 85 % +28 %
Not bad Jumping the Line 50 % 73 % +23 %
Do not shrink the font 71 % 86 % +15 %
Have headaches 43 % 14 % +29 %
Problems Average 74 % 46 % +28 %


The results we had in Italy may have been higher than those abroad and had The reason lies in the ability to closely monitor and encourage the training of the Patients started to run the SCS Method and, therefore, also reduce cases of neglect or laziness in performing the training. The possibility of being followed is very important for patients and for each trainer, so as to bring the subject to achieve the highest possible results. The experience of a trial abroad was the extremes of success given by the SCS method In fact, despite the students have been followed very soon (early for two Sometimes, during the training were asked to complete questionnaires, and only after 7 months after the end of the training is the last check was performed in 9 of 14 boys initials), have shown amazing results, so that the same Director of State School # 47 in Riga that the perpetrators of the Department of Optometry State University of Riga (Latvia) have complimented us and have shown great satisfaction and gratitude. Below the table shows the subjective results obtained after a training period varying from 4 to 16 weeks.

Skill Tested Pre Training Post Training Difference
General Visual Comfort 35 % 100 % +65 %
Scholastic Achievement 43 % 76 % +33 %
Write / Draw Well 58 % 80 % +22 %
Do not Misspellings 52 % 86 % +34 %
Not bad Jumping the Line 32 % 70 % +38 %
Do not shrink the font 65 % 97 % +32 %
Have Headaches 73 % 08 % +65 %
Problems Average 83 % 42 % +41 %

As you can see, if you compare the tables with results obtained in Italy and in Latvia, they have a similar trend, although the value of those is Italian nearly twice those obtained in Latvia. Important to note that in both situations, visual comfort reaches the maximum possible. It is also important ascertain in the subjective responses Italian, who accused the headache is very greater than that of Latvian students. This is because a few people in our studies who report these problems directly, while in Latvia the study was done organized by the Riga mainly focused on making a choice to treat students with visual impairments to a greater degree than those with problems astenopici. We know that the visual-behavioral problems derive above all from the initial problems astenopici and then we can say that our work in Italy is mainly aimed at preventing the onset of visual-behavioral problems. Let's leave out the data table Italian objective, as it is very similar to that shown for those Latvians; albeit with more tangible improvements. The importance of subjective data is important fundamental and demonstrates the true benefits that each person performing the method takes SCS, even more than I can say whatever objective data. The strength of every training is to satisfy the patient and not in statistics or data to draw abstract from reality. The reality of the Method S.C.S. is actively helping each person using it in order to prevent and, as seen from the data reported in reduce or eliminate problems so far only compensated by various means, but NEVER eliminated or reduced. The cases of neglect were 7% and above because the same patients blamed their choice that the now good visual situation and therefore not longer considered necessary to come in for further sessions. These testimonies, collected mostly by telephone, are not sufficient to satisfy us because each case must follow a specific process and get to finish the session only when the stabilization has become a fact established. Each drop has been cataloged by us as a failure and therefore represents a negative figure.


It is important to select good subjects that can really benefit from the Method S.C.S. Indeed, not all behavioral problems can be visual- solved with this system. Did before reference, for example, to more severe forms dyslexia or forms of myopia already stabilized or even to ambliopie organic, etc.. As you observe, by reading the previous pages, the SCS Method is very effective when used against functional problems, where a wrong behavior has affected the visual function in one or more of its parts. Recovering the function damaged and correcting the behavior appropriately will eliminate the problem. A Now the subject has been trained to recognize additional stressors that might damage once again by changing the visual apparatus again conduct. The easiest way to recognize a person who can take benefit from the Method S.C.S. let us say it directly from him. How? with a specially designed questionnaire that immediately marked and fairly sincere vision of the real situation-behavior of the person who compiles it. in this so will create a first selection later supported by careful analysis Method according to the visual S.C.S. For checks that are performed during the training and for the closing session of the training there are two other questionnaires that subject compile time to time and at the end of the training. A careful analysis visual check that all the visual pattern of the subject will allow, then, actually select only patients with a chance of success.

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